L1U1 - Conversation 2

Rose: Hello! How are you doing?

Kathy: Hi! I’m doing great, and you?

Rose: I’m great, too. Do you still work at the music store?

Kathy: No, I don’t. Now, I’m a bank teller.

Rose: Wow! That job demands a lot of responsibility.

Kathy: Yes, but I like it.

Rose: I’m still looking for a job.

Kathy: What about at the mall? Your mom works at the mall, right?

Rose: Yes, she wants me to work as a clerk.

Kathy: Really? Where?

Rose: At Sears. I like the idea.

Kathy: Yes, you can do a good job.

Rose: Yes, I think so.

Kathy: Well, it was nice to see you, Rose.

Rose: Likewise, see you later!