L1U4 - Conversation 1

Karina: Hi, Joseph! How are you?

Joseph: I’m great, and you?

Karina: I’m excellent, too. Are you here for the yoga class?

Joseph: Yes, how about you?

Karina: Me too. I usually practice yoga here in the park.

Joseph: Great! I always come to run, but I want to try a different activity.

Karina: Excellent! You can find different sports or activities here.

Joseph: I think it is relaxing to take a fitness class after work.

Karina: Yes, it’s good for our mental and physical health.

Joseph: Which other activities are offered by the instructors?

Karina: In the mornings, they have yoga and aerobics. In the afternoons, they offer dancing and skating classes.

Joseph: I like skating, maybe I’ll join, too.

Karina: I’m sure you’ll like it. Let’s go, the class is about to start.

Joseph: All right!