L1U4 - Conversation 2

Emily: Hello, Clara! Are you going to the gym?

Clara: Yes! My coach usually arrives at 7:00 a.m., so I try to be there by 8:00 a.m.

Emily: Wow! That’s very early. I prefer to go after work.

Clara: I always go in the mornings because exercising gives me energy.

Emily: And what is your routine at the gym?

Clara: I start with weightlifting. And I always finish with some cardio exercises.

Emily: Great! I’m still trying to lose some pounds, so I often use the stationary bike.

Clara: That one is very helpful.

Emily: Yes, I like it a lot.

Clara: Remember to eat healthy, so you can help your body to be in a better shape.

Emily: You’re right! I never eat junk food.

Clara: Then, you’ll see results very soon.

Emily: Thank you! See you later!

Clara: Bye!