L1U5 - Conversation 1

Assistant: Hello! How can I help you?

Lauren: Hi! I’m looking for a skirt and a dress.

Assistant: Of course. We have those dresses on the corner.

Lauren: I like the blue one. Can I try it on?

Assistant: Sure, what size are you?

Lauren: I’m size 8. And, do you have any skirts?

Assistant: We have these denim skirts. And, we also have that green skirt.

Lauren: I’d like to try the green one, please.

Assistant: Sure. Here it is. The fitting room is over there.

Lauren: Thanks. Do you have the dress in a smaller size?

Assistant: Yes, this is size 6.

Lauren: Fine. How much is it?

Assistant: It’s $65 dollars.

Lauren: Okay. I’m taking the skirt and the dress. How much is it in total?

Assistant: It’s $95 dollars.

Lauren: Here you are.

Assistant: Here is your change, five dollars.

Lauren: Thank you for your help.

Assistant: You’re welcome.