L2U2 - Conversation 1

James: Hello! How was your weekend?

Maggie: Hi! It was awesome! My mom and I were organizing some family photos, and I found some pictures of my great-grandfather.

James: Really? Those pictures must be very special.

Maggie: Yes, they are. My mom told me a little about him.

James: Interesting. And, who was he?

Maggie: His name was Captain Arthur Lawson. He was a pilot in the US Navy.

James: Wow! Your family must be very proud of him. Did he get married after his service?

Maggie: Yes, when he came back from World War I, he met my great-grandmother. They were married for 52 years.

James: That’s beautiful. Were they the same age?

Maggie: No, they weren’t. My great-grandfather was six years older.

James: I think it is wonderful that you got to know about him.

Maggie: Thanks! I can show you some pictures of him if you want.

James: Of course, I’d love to see them.

Maggie: Okay, then let’s go to my house so you can see the family album.