L2U2 - Conversation 2

Carl: Hi, Mel! How are you?

Melissa: Hello! I’m fine, and you?

Carl: I’m fine, too. How was your weekend?

Melissa: It was great. My cousins and I went to the movie theater.

Carl: Really? What kind of movie did you see?

Melissa: We saw a horror movie. It really scared me.

Carl: Oh, no! I don’t like horror movies.

Melissa: Me neither, but I wanted to go with my cousins. By the way, what did you do on Saturday?

Carl: Well, I stayed home and I watched a soccer game with my dad.

Melissa: That sounds very relaxing.

Carl: Actually, it was. I didn’t want to go out.

Melissa: It’s great you had the time to rest.

Carl: Thanks! Well, I have to take the bus. See you tomorrow at school!

Melissa: Okay, see you tomorrow!