L2U6 - Conversation 1

Amy: Hi, Charles! It’s Amy! How are things at the office?

Charles: Hello, Amy! I was about to call you. Everything is perfect! Actually, I’ve just gotten some days off.

Amy: That’s awesome! What are what are your plans for your days off?

Charles: First, I would like to buy two tickets to go Arizona.

Amy: Oh, really? Which places would you like to visit there?

Charles: I would like to visit the Grand Canyon National Park. I’ve never been there and I think it’s an interesting place.

Amy: That sounds fantastic!

Charles: Yes. I wouldn’t like to spend my days off at home; that would be boring!

Amy: That’s true. What else would you like to do in Arizona?

Charles: Well, I would like to do my favorite things. I mean, I would like to read a book and listen to music in a good club.

Amy: Oh, great! But why are you buying two tickets?

Charles: Good question! I would like to know if you want to visit Arizona, too. Would you like to go with me?

Amy: Charles! Yes, I’d love to.