L3U1 - Conversation 2

Marius: Hello, Jackie! I was calling you because I have something important to tell you.

Jackie: Hi! Really? Is everything okay?

Marius: Yes, but guess what? I’m finally visiting you in two days!

Jackie: That’s amazing! How do you feel about traveling from the USA to England?

Marius: It’s awesome because I’m going to see you and your beautiful city.

Jackie: That’s so nice of you, Marius.

Marius: I mean, I’ll wake up very early because the flight is at 6:00 a.m., but it’s still great.

Jackie: I know. What do you want to do when you arrive here?

Marius: I don’t know yet. What do you usually do on weekdays?

Jackie: Well, I go to school and do some homework. But we are on vacation, so I think I’ll go to the park and walk the dog.

Marius: That sounds relaxing. And then?

Jackie: I need to clean out my house and cook for my mom and me.

Marius: And, what do you do in the afternoons?

Jackie: Well, I like to watch TV for a few hours or turn on the radio to listen to music. Then, I eat a snack while I study French. Some days I like to hang out with my friends.

Marius: Amazing! What do you have for dinner?