L3U3 - Conversation 1

Janet: Well, we are finally home.

Miles: Yes, it feels good to have our own house.

Janet: Now, we are in the most interesting part, the colors!

Miles: What do you mean by “the colors”?

Janet: I mean, we should decide the colors to paint the house. You’ll enjoy searching for different types of colors.

Miles: Sure, I like to paint. I think looking for colors might be fun.

Janet: What do you think about pastel colors? Do you like them?

Miles: Yes, of course, I think they are nice.

Janet: Well, my favorites are pink, yellow, and green.

Miles: Oh, no. I refuse to use yellow. Remember, I hate bees, and the color yellow reminds me of those insects.

Janet: Oh, that’s right, honey. I’m sorry. Choosing colors can be so complicated!

Miles: Well, let’s continue exploring different options.

Janet: I think we should buy light blue, pastel pink, and white.

Miles: I like that! Adding some white color to the paint is a good choice, too. I did it at my mom’s house and it looked great!

Janet: Well done! It’s decided, the time for searching colors is over. Now, let’s go buy the paint.