L3U5 - Conversation 2

Ryan: Hi, Rachel! Did you see the new student?

Rachel: Yes, I did. I think his name is Victor. He is very handsome, and he has short, blond hair.

Ryan: Well, I see that he is not very tall. So, I don’t know if he wants to join the basketball team.

Rachel: He looks fit. Maybe he knows how to play basketball.

Ryan: Yes, probably. That way, the three of us could become good friends.

Rachel: His sister, Andrea, is also new here. She has long, blond hair.

Ryan: Really? I didn’t know he had a sister. How old is she?

Rachel: She’s 15.

Ryan: We should ask Victor and Andrea if they want to join us for lunch. Do you know what Andrea looks like?

Rachel: I haven’t seen her face completely because of the mask. But I do recognize her big, blue eyes. Actually, she is shorter than Victor.

Ryan: All right. Let’s look for them in the classroom to have a talk.

Rachel: Sure! Did you know they’re in our Math class, too?

Ryan: Really? Let’s join them.

Rachel: Okay! Let’s go.