L3U6 - Conversation 2

Lizzie: Hi, Riley! Are you ready for the fair?

Riley: Yes! It’s nice to be here again, isn’t it?

Lizzie: Of course! It brings me memories from my childhood. My family and I used to come to this place every month.

Riley: I know. Do you remember how delicious the cotton candy was?

Lizzie: Yes, but I didn’t use to like it very much.

Riley: For me it was the best. I used to buy some every time I came. Which was your favorite attraction?

Lizzie: I Well, in my childhood I liked the carousel. But I didn’t like the teacup ride, because all those spins used to make me feel dizzy.

Riley: Really? I thought you loved it.

Lizzie: No, never. What about you?

Riley: I loved the roller coaster. I used to ride it several times in one day.

Lizzie: That one is terrific! I didn’t use to miss any attraction with my family. Not even the haunted house!

Riley: I think that one was the best. Oh! And eating candy apples after visiting it.

Lizzie: I used to eat them while I was on the ferris wheel. You could see the entire town from up there.

Riley: I have an idea. Let’s go and buy candy apples. Then, we can go to the wheel.

Lizzie: Excellent idea! And later, we should go to the haunted house.

Riley: Absolutely! Let‘s go!